Sep 18Liked by Glenn

Whenever I leave my Substack bubble, I find it weird how much engagement drivel gets.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Glenn

His output is explained by the fact that he is not one man. In fact, if you go up the Hudson Valley you find that you keep running into Jeff Tiedrich in every little hamlet. He'll regale you with stories of his life in the East Village (well, the safe part back then over by Cooper Union) and his band, which would have made it except for rap coming on the scene. Eventually you realize that this is not the same man as the one who told you the same story yesterday. There are in fact a multitude of Jeff Tiedrichs, sons of the Hudson Valley who've returned to her bosom. She has given her children one mind and one password and they will go on tweeting for as long as the Amtrak runs up her shores.

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10/10 Jeff Tiedrich is someday found hanging naked in a closet, covered in jiffy lube, with one of Gwyneth Paltrow's "This is what my vagina smells like" candles burning in a tragic auto erotic strangulation mishap.

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Young Sheldon is, in fact, a good show!

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Your worst take yet

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Some of it is pretty cringey, but it's quite funny and heartwarming at times.

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Now you’ve just gone too damn far.

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Young Sheldon is far better than Big Bang Theory. It’s one of the very few shows I can watch with my kid and find entertaining.

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I couldn’t agree more, shitlib Eric Clapton dedication to his craft is transcendent. I sub to his Substack and am always blown away by his “wordplay.”

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Much of his media reach stems from his resemblance to Slow Hand, something he accentuated as much as possible, while now resenting Clapton’s crimethink

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Yes! Eric Clapton 😂 I couldn’t quite figure out the resemblance.

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Thanks for writing about this god-tier poaster

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Sep 20Liked by Glenn

If you like Jeff, you'll surely love his nephew Marty, who once appeared on the hugely influential Adam Friesland show;


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Who’s worse Heather Cox Richardson who pretends to be an intellectual or Jeff Tiedrech who at least has the integrity to not put any effort into what he does?

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That’s a tough one.

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I remember my father telling me he watched “The Big Dumb Show” and that I reminded him of the lead character and I had to pretend to be pleased with this knowledge. He passed soon after that and I don’t regret lying to him. But my fucking god I hate that show. “Smart people are all socially helpless tiny noxious twits”. Tell me you’ve never met a smart person before without telling me….

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"He has thousands of paid subscribers, even though, as far as I can tell, none of his articles are paywalled. The guy probably makes six figures for emailing people an annotated list of Tweets every day."

My guess is that many, if not most, if these "paid subscribers" are in fact fake, just the way the DNC and the Deep State in general launder money into the "opinion shaping" zone. The budgets for this kind of thing are large, and really, you only need a hundred grand a year or so to get a simple minded schmuck like Tiedrich to sit around all day and poast, which is what he wants to do with his life anyway. If the Feds basically cover his rent and taco-truck diet, then he's good to go, and perfectly happy to blast out one inane thing after another all day, every day.

You see these obvious paid sock puppets everywhere. Now, if Substack had a tiny bit of curiosity, they would look at an account like Tiedrich's and look up the IP addresses of his "followers." I'm guessing a whole bunch of them are located in a circle around Washington, D.C.

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Saw him in concert in ‘67. Layla live was just amazing. He needs to lay off the cocaine though. It don lie.

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I didn’t know any of this background about Tiedrich. All I knew is that he was a ubiquitous purveyor of annoying drivel. I basically ignore all his posts because I feel like I have to shower after reading them, even though ostensibly we are on the same “side.”

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In my culture, we have an analogous sort of figure — the cockwomble. Being British, cockwombles are a lot more twee in their swearing habits. But the general lineaments (man of a certain age; impotent fury; surprising mass appeal) are pretty much the same…



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The internet enables a lot of neuroticism.

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Damn this was really good. I’ve always wondered about that guy. He’s one of the cast of figures everyone encounters when they first become active on Twitter. Most people slowly tune him out but he clearly has a following…

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Oh, that guy.

Yeah, well….now his spewstack and twidder make sense.

Could not for the life of me understand what the f*** was his problem.

Took one or two posts to know he was a completely off-the-wall rabid Democrat with a weirdly homoerotic obsession over Trump….bc no one in their right mind can focus so laser-sharp non-stop on one subject, all the time.

Except that guy.

Thanks for this story about him; I’m baffled how anyone can admit to more than one or two posts of his…but you did it. Respect.

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